Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Evil: A Cultural Perspective?

You know, you always hear how much worse it is overseas and oftentimes there are bad things going on right in your own backyard. For example, there was a story on my Christian radio about missionaries running into trouble with witchcraft in Africa. What about witchcraft in America? Because you can deny it all you want to, which seems to be the common practice (I was in denial for a loong, loong time)--most people are oblivious, and some people are even OK with it. Like, say "white" witchcraft. Let me put it to you this way, God is not the one you are casting spells from. Hello?

There's a witchcraft store here in Battle Creek. It's called the Enchanted Attic. You don't see people getting all up in arms about it though. I was talking to a friend about it and she wondered if they had good incense. I wonder if they keep their incense next to their pentagram necklaces. Because when I went there, they were selling pentagram necklaces. Is that out of reverence to God? I think not.


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