Jesus loves passionate people
Look, I'm not here to play politics. I could never pretend to eat bologna sandwiches everyday to make me more relatable to the common man. I'm a vegetarian anyway. Did you know people in politics get scrutinized over their choice of mustard? Dijon is just too fancy (even though it's widely available), so many politicians say they take yellow mustard. They lie to protect their image. Some politicians operate on image alone. Their salary is (at a modest estimate) 3 times the amount of an average middle class citizen (and that's not counting lobbyist money and other associated perks), so OF COURSE they have a higher standard of living. I live paycheck to paycheck and every now and then I'll "splurge" on an exotic $11 cheese (to share with my friends). Does that make me a snob?
I started writing this to justify my use of occasional strong language. After being held down and psychologically tortured for 7, going on 8 years now (by people whose ultimate goal is to destroy me...they've actually made that known), I somehow feel compelled to qualify my commentary. And this is how I feel lead to do it. JESUS DOESN'T PARTICULARLY CARE FOR THE PEOPLE SITTING ON THE FENCE. Revelations 3:16 "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit (often translated vomit) you out of my mouth." That's a pretty strong statement.
I started writing this to justify my use of occasional strong language. After being held down and psychologically tortured for 7, going on 8 years now (by people whose ultimate goal is to destroy me...they've actually made that known), I somehow feel compelled to qualify my commentary. And this is how I feel lead to do it. JESUS DOESN'T PARTICULARLY CARE FOR THE PEOPLE SITTING ON THE FENCE. Revelations 3:16 "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit (often translated vomit) you out of my mouth." That's a pretty strong statement.
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