Friday, November 09, 2007


I have to admit that I am ignorant of all religions outside of Christianity. This is largely because the culture which I live in does not reflect the cultural diversity within it. Due largely to the media.

There was a point in time when I was seriously examining my faith, and while I did not look outside the realm of Christianity, I did step outside of my comfort zone of Catholicism. There are so many aspirations that I have for my future, one of which would be a degree in Theology, with time spent on World Religions. From the little I know, most religions practice the Golden Rule, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." It is my feeling that if you practice this rule, regardless of your faith, you are a good person and are a likely candidate for Heaven. It is also my feeling that you would have to be a better person, stricter, more pious, to get to Heaven in any religion other than Christianity.

The revelation of Jesus kind of gave us (humanity) a "get out of jail free card." And while you should not automatically expect forgiveness, you should know that it is available.

I would really like to see more faith based films in the mainstream. God knows there's an audience for it. Think of it this way, what is the single most polarizing factor that humans have? My petition is that it's your belief system. Hey, Hollywood there's money to be made here. Serious money. And I would personally like to know more about Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, etc., etc. This is a chance to educate the world.

Just look at what "The Passion of the Christ" did in the boxoffice. Amazing. More recently, I should say currently, a little independent film by the name "Bella" has made serious waves due to the grassroots campain it launched in the Catholic church. I am excited and looking forward to seeing that film. I recently went on a date with a Jewish guy, and can you guess what his favorite film was? It was "Kingdom of Heaven," a film about the Crusades. It really surprised me.


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