Wednesday, November 14, 2007


The only entity I officially hate is Satan (also known as Beelzebub, Lucifer, the Devil, Spirit of Evil, etc., etc.) and I'm pretty sure he hates me back (he also hates all of humanity, but we'll get to that later). Why does he hate me in particular you ask? My theory is that it's because I'm an effective communicator and I don't share (and am in fact violently opposed to) his agenda. Envy me, hate me they say. What kind of world are you living in? If you are the type who wants to be envied, chances are I'm avoiding any sembance of you. The thought of it would make me physically ill. And why should I hate you? I recognize the duality of man and that some people are weak. I shouldn't say weak, I only know what I've been through and it's been a sheer hell, but I've held up. And the most redeeming thing I can say about humanity is that people are able (if they are willing) to change. That's why the Devil hates you too.


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