Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Woman's Place in the Church

I was chatting the other day with a good friend of mine about this very subject. In the secular world, they use this concept as ammunition against the church. Like women are only good for one thing and that's making men happy. So incredibly untrue!

I do not believe in my heart that God has a sexual preference. Men just came first.

In my heart, the reason Jesus had no female apostles is because Mother Mary is perfection (and you can't really improve upon perfection). For those of you who don't know, Mary did quite a bit during her time on earth. Mary's song "the Magnificat," when she first found out she was going to have the Savior of the World, is so incredible, especially considering her young age. What composure! And just think of it, she was the original "prayer warrior." It brings me back to Tessa Bielecki recounting the story of Jesus, Mary and Martha. "Martha, martha!" Mary had the better part in praying over household chores.

Are these people really aware of Mary's pivotal role in Revelations? (As Fr. Peyton might venture to say) "No spring cleaning, that!" She crushes the head of the serpent. Can I get an Amen and a Hallelujah?

And just when you think things can't get any better, my friend chimed in that Mary Magdalene was the first person to preach the Gospel! (And he was a Republican that worked for a strict Christian network, can you dig it?)

The tomb is empty, yo.

Do you got that? Do you got that? Huh? Holla back if you got that. (A little KJ-52 for you, named appropriately after a miracle)

I think that's a solid enough case for women priests.

Who says women can't debate theology!